viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2020

Wait... Did Trump just killed democracy?

Weeks  ago, when I first heard about president Trump´s plan to "shutdown the goverment" I though: Puag, he is talking nonse again, he obviously can´t do that.  And then he did it!
And no matter what you think about the wall or emigrants, that should scare you a lot.

Prior goverment shutdowns

There was 18 prior goverment shutdowns before this one, two of them in the Trump´s era. They both were just one day long, but the first was notable because is the first one in USA history to happen in a term with the president, the majority of the senate and the house of representatives, belonging to the same party.
Also is the very first time it happens as a direct extortion from the president to the other parties.
you can read about goverment shutdowns here.
Trump Shutdown America

From "we don´t deal with extortionist " to "We are extortionist"

The one thing both democrats and republicans usually coincide is the national politic against terrorist and extortionists, resumed in the phrase "We don´t deal with them". Mr. Trump in the other hand, have made extortion his tool of choice to negotiate in all fields. Talk about losing our identity.

viernes, 4 de enero de 2019

What to eat to survive a nuclear bomb 2

As we already said, no food can fully protect you from radioactive poisoning, but some stuff can help you to survive a distant explosion that otherwise would kill you.

Charcoal phils

Unlike the other stuff you have to eat to  improve the chances to survive a nuclear attack, should not get these before the attack itself. They are used to relieve all kind of poisoning, nuclear included. It can cause diarrhea, vomit, and nausea, but then again also nuclear poisoning can do so, and is for the greater good.
You can get some for a few dollars in big drugstores and  naturists shops alike.

Olive Oil

Digestive system is the first affected by radiation at long distances. Olive oil can prevent further damage, and is very healthy also. Well used, can be very tasty too.


A nuclear weapon is so hot, that clouds of vaporized heavy metals are expected to appear. Also as lead is the first line of protection against nuclear poisoning, it can also become a danger. Spinach contains high levels of calcium and iron, which are important to survive a lead poisoning, is nice with some olive oil and lemon.

viernes, 8 de septiembre de 2017

A Nuclear Ficition with Bert and Ernie.

I Find this touching. What song would you play?
Bert and Ernie had worked together as morning drivetime radio hosts for twenty years. They'd traded jokes, played pop music, and generally made peoples' lives a touch brighter as they trundled to work. Now though, there was silence on the air. Ernie silently reread the fax message from Civil Defense. As licensed broadcasters, they were legally obligated to alert the public - to tell them the nukes were flying, and that in a few minutes, all the world's troubles would be over. What though, was the point of that? To torture people with the knowledge of something they couldn't change? Their eyes met, and a decision was reached. Bert put on their most requested song, a sugary top 40 tune, while Ernie produced a bottle of bourbon from under the desk. As their producer banged on the locked studio door, the colleagues toasted the end of a long career.
Bert and Ernie Facing the end

jueves, 31 de agosto de 2017

How to survive a nuclear bomb: How close we are to have to, really?

'If somebody can't handle a Twitter account, they can't handle the nuclear codes' Barack Obama, on Trump
The Science and Security Board maintains a "Doomsday clock" that indicates the risk of engaging a nuclear war at a given historical moment, with the midnight representing a nuclear disaster of epic proportions. It comes to no surprise that it was closer to midnight in the early 80's due the maturity of the nuclear weapons, and the tense cold war between USA and USSR
This is trump on a nuke going to Mexico
You won't believe that it has less than minute worth of photoshop

Enter Kim Jong II, a madman who truly believes to be a god incarnated, who happens to have a huge nuclear arsenal at his disposal. How huge it is? well, is still just a about one nuke for each 100 USA posses, but that is a lot. The Clock advanced several minutes.
the worst nuclear menace after Trump
The worst nuclear menace until Trump appeared

Fire and Fury

Is unclear if Rusia or USA has the most nuclear weapons right now, but granted, they have at least 10,000 active nuclear weapons active right now.
The problem is, that living in the same planet, a nuclear war is like a missile launcher fight into a subway train: it doesn´t really matters who has the bigger launcher, we all going to die.
Make no mistake, a nuclear war is not good for anyone, as bombs cannot distinguish between good guys or bad guys, whatever that means to you.
Because of Trump's big mouth, we are even closer to a nuclear war than we were when the Cuban missile crisis happened

Worse than in the cuban crisis?

The conflict depicted in X-Men: First Class is argubly one of the worst moments in our recent story. It's based on real facts and yet...
The declarations of POTUS Donald Trump are unsetling, to say the least. Seems like the World Ward III is in his sole hands, and untruswhorty hands they happen to be.
The doomsday clock is now pointing 2:30 before midnight, its worst since 1953. To put things in context, right affter the Cuban Missile Crisis, It tickled 3:00 minutes before the end.

This is the end

For some experts its not about if it will happen but when it going to happen.
Sadly, even for those who don't believe in religion there's not much else to do than pray... and wait

lunes, 14 de agosto de 2017

What to eat to survive a nuclear bomb

Of course, nothing you can eat that can save you from a direct impact from a nuclear bomb, but as many people will day days later from radiation poisoning, there are a few thigns you can eat that will help you to increase your chances of survive, given that you do it after first impact.

Is no surprise that most of those come from Japan, as they were strike by two bombs and a major nuclear plant catastrophe. Some come from research on cancer prevention, and others come from a survival guide to survive long times isolated.

Vitamin C

Some phills are indispensable. Not only help your body to gain some sort of inmunity against cancer, but preventes many diseases related to eat canned food and being isolated long periods, as well as scurvy. Phils are very cheap and wildly abailable. But dont wait until is too late. I find the orange flavored (the most common ones) to be sothing, but is of to you. There are vitamin C Gummies for kids and sweet thoots.


As I said, most food to prevent nuclear posoning comes from Japan. I find seawed tasty as I really like sushi, but don´t wait to be in a bunker to get used to its flavor, as not everyone likes it. Then again, you can grab a few phills at a very reasonable price. in bot cases it had to be dried, as fresh seawed don't last longer before decompose and turn into a nasty concoction.

Green tea

Most things said about seaweed apply to green tea as well. The usual teabag, anyways, produces an ammount of waste that can be dificult to menage in an isolation situation. Try powder instead (mind you, is more coslty). By the way, its effects are so good, most people say, that you should be taking a few cups a day right now.

viernes, 11 de agosto de 2017

The costly way to survive a nuclear bomb: a bunker

How much does a nuclear bomb proof bunker costs?

First things first, you need to get on budget. If you own a piece of land, you con build a bunker for prices as low as a shovel. But ther maybe not enugh time for that. Of course, a credit could seem like a good idea, maybe the banks will burn to ashes before they can get a dime from you, and theres no price to high to save your family's life. But thay may or may not happen, so take the risk carefully.

Take those numbers as a example:

Pre-fabricated Bunker Ready to Be Buried

$21,500 (8×12) up to $399,000 (20×80) + Installation

Used Shipping Container and Burying It Underground

$1,450 up to $2,800 + Installation

Concrete Block Nuclear Bunker

$3,380 (20′ x 8′ x 8’6″) – up to the Limits of Your Wallet and Imagination.
A 50's refrigerator is completly unacceptable.
Source: Ask a prepper

What to put inside

Clean water, canned food, medicines... that goes without saying. Also you SHOULD get comodities and enterteinment. Overtime, the risk of kill yourselves could be worse than radiation.

Boardagames, books, condoms magazines and other sources of non-power situation are recomendable. Trust me on condoms, inbreeading and gay sex can be unaceptable outhere, but in a nuclear war...
And extensive lists of waht to put in a bunker are in work. Meanwhile ...Don´t forget the freaking can opener!

Don´t let your bunker become a Mausoleum

Nuclear bombs can melt soil into lava, making it harder to get outside the bunker than to come in.
Are you prepared? a Drill would be very helpful. Shovels and pikeaxes are far more affordable, but mind you that it may be concrete what you are dealing with. An iron mallet is great, if you are strong enough to use it.
Get a construction helmet won´t hurt either.
a Mallet to get out of the bunker in case of nuclear bomb
More on bunker very soon.