jueves, 31 de agosto de 2017

How to survive a nuclear bomb: How close we are to have to, really?

'If somebody can't handle a Twitter account, they can't handle the nuclear codes' Barack Obama, on Trump
The Science and Security Board maintains a "Doomsday clock" that indicates the risk of engaging a nuclear war at a given historical moment, with the midnight representing a nuclear disaster of epic proportions. It comes to no surprise that it was closer to midnight in the early 80's due the maturity of the nuclear weapons, and the tense cold war between USA and USSR
This is trump on a nuke going to Mexico
You won't believe that it has less than minute worth of photoshop

Enter Kim Jong II, a madman who truly believes to be a god incarnated, who happens to have a huge nuclear arsenal at his disposal. How huge it is? well, is still just a about one nuke for each 100 USA posses, but that is a lot. The Clock advanced several minutes.
the worst nuclear menace after Trump
The worst nuclear menace until Trump appeared

Fire and Fury

Is unclear if Rusia or USA has the most nuclear weapons right now, but granted, they have at least 10,000 active nuclear weapons active right now.
The problem is, that living in the same planet, a nuclear war is like a missile launcher fight into a subway train: it doesn´t really matters who has the bigger launcher, we all going to die.
Make no mistake, a nuclear war is not good for anyone, as bombs cannot distinguish between good guys or bad guys, whatever that means to you.
Because of Trump's big mouth, we are even closer to a nuclear war than we were when the Cuban missile crisis happened

Worse than in the cuban crisis?

The conflict depicted in X-Men: First Class is argubly one of the worst moments in our recent story. It's based on real facts and yet...
The declarations of POTUS Donald Trump are unsetling, to say the least. Seems like the World Ward III is in his sole hands, and untruswhorty hands they happen to be.
The doomsday clock is now pointing 2:30 before midnight, its worst since 1953. To put things in context, right affter the Cuban Missile Crisis, It tickled 3:00 minutes before the end.

This is the end

For some experts its not about if it will happen but when it going to happen.
Sadly, even for those who don't believe in religion there's not much else to do than pray... and wait

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